Why Artificial jewelry is Getting More Popular: The Pros and Cons

Today’s generation is more conscious about their appearance and the environment than ever before. As a result, sustainable fashion is on the rise. More people are now aware of the negative impacts of fast fashion, which is why they are increasingly looking for more eco-friendly ways to accessorise their outfits. We all know that natural materials such as wood, bones, or even human hair have been used for centuries to make adornments such as necklaces, earrings and rings. However, in today’s market, artificial jewelry has become a lot more accessible and a lot more affordable too. Let’s take a look at why this trend is getting more popular among Millennials and how it might be a good choice for you too.

Who Makes and Sells Artificial jewelry?

Artificial jewelry is made by various brands and companies around the world. However, major Chinese manufacturers, who produce a wide variety of synthetic jewelry, are largely responsible for the recent growth in this market. Most artificially made jewelry items are made of French Wire, colour coated wire, non tarnished colour coated wire, sterling silver plated gold wire, copper wire etc., to look like gold or silver. Therefore, they are far less harmful to the environment. On the other hand, real metals can be harmful to the environment. This is because they are extracted from mines, which is a very energy-intensive process. Innate Enterprises (SMC-PVT) LTD is an industrial-based setup to manufacture anti tarnish silver wire in Pakistan for more than a decade. We mass-produce and supply non tarnish sterling silver wire to all scale jewellery makers and designers and fashionistas at bulk.

Look no further than Innate Enterprises (SMC-PVT) LTD if you are looking for fancy and perfect silver texture wire. Our silver wires are usable from simple and everyday wearables to wedding events and eye-catching specifications and craftsmanship.

We are famous for being green in fine non tarnish silver wire development and caring for our environment. Besides, we fulfil all CSR rules and stand among Pakistan’s pre-eminent non tarnish silver plated jewellery wire makers. In addition, our wire products comply with the industry-related quality tests for being regarded as the best artistic tarnish-resistant silver toned wire.

Why is Artificially Made jewelry Becoming So Popular?

Artificial jewelry has been around for many years, and it is a trend that has been gaining popularity among younger consumers. It is also becoming more affordable, which is likely one of the reasons why this trend is becoming so popular. The first reason why younger consumers are drawn to this type of jewelry is that it is far less expensive than real jewelry. This means that many consumers can now afford to purchase artificial jewelry, whereas they most likely couldn’t before. Another possible reason for the popularity of this trend is that it is a great option for those who want to accessorise their outfits with jewelry but aren’t too keen on wearing real jewelry. For example, those who are allergic to certain metals can now wear artificial jewelry as an alternative.

The Pros of Buying Artificial jewelry


This is one of the most obvious reasons why you might want to purchase artificial jewelry. As we mentioned earlier, this trend is becoming increasingly affordable. It is equally famous for both the upper class and the lower class. But it is getting more popular among the middle class. They can have any kind kind of and any design of jewelry easily. Its demand is getting higher and higher because of the extremely high prices of the gold both in the national and international market. People love to wear jewelry in Asian functions, parties, weddings, etc., Now they prefer to wear artificial jewelry on the special occasions like weddings.

No allergy:

This is a huge bonus. If you are allergic to certain metals, you may find it difficult to wear real jewelry. On the other hand, you can freely wear any kind of artificial jewelry without worrying about any allergic reactions.

Better for the environment:

This is another reason why purchasing fake jewelry can be a good choice. Since real metals can be harmful to the environment, it’s a good idea to go with an alternative that is less harmful to the environment. Mining gold and other expensive metals is a very harmful to environment. People are cutting tress, polluting rivers, lakes, canals, cutting jungles etc., They are only interested in their profit. In the process of mining workers have to face many health issues.They have to deal with dangerous chemicals to process gold and other precious metals. Innate Enterprises is providing French Wire for Beading.

Better for your wallet:

Since artificial jewelry is a lot less expensive than real jewelry, it can be a great choice for those who want to accessorise but don’t have a lot of cash to spare. Since the beginning of human beings jewelry has been a part and parcel of everyone, especially for women. People just love to wear any kind of jewelry does not matter which kind of the material is available. It is just human nature to look better for yourself and in the eyes of others. Wearing jewelry is also a status symbol that shows that you are financially strong. It is just impossible for women to live without any kind of jewelry. So, if they can not afford real jewelry, they definitely go for the artificial jewelry. The best thing about it is that you can have any king of design and style of jewelry.

The Cons of Purchasing Fake jewelry

Looks fake: 

Some consumers might not be able to tell the difference between real and fake jewelry. However, others will definitely notice that your jewelry is fake. This can be a downside if you want your jewelry to look as realistic as possible. The jewelry manufacturers are so goot at their work that it is almost impossible for the consumers to identify the real and the fake one. They are making people fool by selling fake jewelry. 

Bounces back: 

One of the downsides of purchasing fake jewelry is that it might bounce back to its original shape after being bent or twisted. This can be a problem for those who are planning to use fake jewelry for their hairstyles. Fake jewelry is not durable, reliable and long lasting. It begins to wear of quickly. Innate Enterprises is the best Wholesale Copper Wire supplier. 


Another issue with this trend is that fake jewelry is more difficult to clean compared to real jewelry. This is because real jewelry can be thoroughly cleaned in water, while fake jewelry can’t be submerged in water. Jewelry makers use chemicals to make them so, it is difficult to clean them especiall with water. Fake jewelry can loose its colour and shape when we clean them.

Final Words

All in all, we can say that artificial jewelry is a great trend in today’s fashion industry. It is far less expensive than real jewelry, and it is also easier to access. In addition, this trend is also better for the environment, since real metals can be harmful to the environment.